Write a super effective sales letter for your business
Delivery in
3 days
(382 reviews)
(382 reviews)
Response time
within a few days
Amount of days required to complete work for this Offer as set by the freelancer.
Rating of the Offer as calculated from other buyers' reviews.
Average time for the freelancer to first reply on the workstream after purchase or contact on this Offer.
What you get with this Offer
More sales are something I bet you want, just like every business owner. But I also know it's really tough out there and sometimes it can seem so hard to win over new business.
So why not hire a professional copywriter with over 10 years experience in sales and marketing to help you out?
I will craft you the perfect sales letter using punchy, highly persuasive language that's precisely tailored towards your target market.
Let me help give your sales a boost and get you more conversions and responses.
When you purchase this hourly you'll get:
One original, creative, and totally unique sales letter that will grab your prospective buyers attention, and get them to sit up and take notice of you.
And that's not all...I'm also offering unlimited revisions until you are totally satisfied!
I won't sign off on the project until you are completely happy with my work.
All my letters are created from scratch, and my work is 100% original. I will never use any corny one size fits all templates for your business, I instead come up with fresh, unique ideas after fully consulting with you.
Before I start work on your letter, I will thoroughly research your business, product, or service, then craft you a snappy letter that will push your sales and sign ups through the stratosphere.
This gig can also be used to craft a tailored sales e-mail if required instead of a postal letter.
If you have any questions about this gig at all just send me a message and I will respond to you asap.
Feel free to have a look at my reviews and feedback on this site, to get an idea of the level of service you can expect from me;)
Buy a tailor made sales letter from me right now and start winning more sales - easily and fast!
Can't wait to work on your project,
Beck R
So why not hire a professional copywriter with over 10 years experience in sales and marketing to help you out?
I will craft you the perfect sales letter using punchy, highly persuasive language that's precisely tailored towards your target market.
Let me help give your sales a boost and get you more conversions and responses.
When you purchase this hourly you'll get:
One original, creative, and totally unique sales letter that will grab your prospective buyers attention, and get them to sit up and take notice of you.
And that's not all...I'm also offering unlimited revisions until you are totally satisfied!
I won't sign off on the project until you are completely happy with my work.
All my letters are created from scratch, and my work is 100% original. I will never use any corny one size fits all templates for your business, I instead come up with fresh, unique ideas after fully consulting with you.
Before I start work on your letter, I will thoroughly research your business, product, or service, then craft you a snappy letter that will push your sales and sign ups through the stratosphere.
This gig can also be used to craft a tailored sales e-mail if required instead of a postal letter.
If you have any questions about this gig at all just send me a message and I will respond to you asap.
Feel free to have a look at my reviews and feedback on this site, to get an idea of the level of service you can expect from me;)
Buy a tailor made sales letter from me right now and start winning more sales - easily and fast!
Can't wait to work on your project,
Beck R
Get more with Offer Add-ons
I can add a tailor made email sales letter
Additional 1 working day
+$24 -
I can deliver all work in 1 working day
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
Please send me a description of your business, or specific product or service and briefly outline the goals you'd like to achieve with the letter. A link to your website (if you have one) would be superb, so I can begin to do my own research, ascertain your brand voice and start crafting your letter.
Also, please add any specific information about the letter's core target demographic and remember to add any extra information you feel is relevant. The more info you can give me the better.
I'm also more than happy to create tailored sales emails and to rewrite and improve already existing sales letters.
Reviews (382)
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