Write 2 article 500 words
Delivery in
2 days
(3 reviews)
(3 reviews)
Amount of days required to complete work for this Offer as set by the freelancer.
Rating of the Offer as calculated from other buyers' reviews.
Average time for the freelancer to first reply on the workstream after purchase or contact on this Offer.
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What you get with this Offer
I understand the importance of deadlines and the need to complete my work on time, and hence, as soon as the work is assigned I start working immediately. My focus here is not just on the deadline but, also on the need to provide quality and informative articles.
I will write an SEO- friendly blog, web content, general research and informational articles.
I will write an SEO- friendly blog, web content, general research and informational articles.
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
Topic and keywords and website if possible
Reviews (3)
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