Help with any Squarespace website issue
Delivery in
1 day
(8 reviews)
(8 reviews)
Response time
within a few hours
Amount of days required to complete work for this Offer as set by the freelancer.
Rating of the Offer as calculated from other buyers' reviews.
Average time for the freelancer to first reply on the workstream after purchase or contact on this Offer.
What you get with this Offer
Got stuck with Squarespace Issue? Let us help you.
We’re the Squarespace support experts and our team solves hundreds of problems every day. If you have any Squarespace problem please get in touch or simply purchase our hourlie. We will be glad to help you.
Any design, style and CSS changes
Small HTML and JavaScript changes
Forms fixes and modifications
Any other Squarespace issue
★ NOTE ★
This hourlie includes only one issue at a time and includes 30 minutes of our work. We will let you know if your tasks does not fit in this hourlie. Please note this offer does not include training or new development tasks.
0800-1700 (GMT) Monday to Friday
Many thanks
We’re the Squarespace support experts and our team solves hundreds of problems every day. If you have any Squarespace problem please get in touch or simply purchase our hourlie. We will be glad to help you.
Any design, style and CSS changes
Small HTML and JavaScript changes
Forms fixes and modifications
Any other Squarespace issue
★ NOTE ★
This hourlie includes only one issue at a time and includes 30 minutes of our work. We will let you know if your tasks does not fit in this hourlie. Please note this offer does not include training or new development tasks.
0800-1700 (GMT) Monday to Friday
Many thanks
Get more with Offer Add-ons
I can setup MailChimp
Additional 1 working day
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
Squarespace account access or Login details.
Reviews (8)
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