Edit or update your PDF document
Delivery in
2 days
(38 reviews)
(38 reviews)
Response time
within a day
Amount of days required to complete work for this Offer as set by the freelancer.
Rating of the Offer as calculated from other buyers' reviews.
Average time for the freelancer to first reply on the workstream after purchase or contact on this Offer.
What you get with this Offer
I'm capable of editing any PDF without losing any Quality, including changing or deleting any Text/ Title/ Header/ Footer; Images/ Logos etc...and also maintaining the original layout!!!
I can make small edits to an existing adobe pdf file you own. Things like adding a new title page. Changing a word here and there, adding punctuation (you need to specify what and where to change i.e. page 3 'there' to 'their'), clickable links. Highlight a specific sentence or word.
Please feel free to contact me, for any queries, before purchase.
I can make small edits to an existing adobe pdf file you own. Things like adding a new title page. Changing a word here and there, adding punctuation (you need to specify what and where to change i.e. page 3 'there' to 'their'), clickable links. Highlight a specific sentence or word.
Please feel free to contact me, for any queries, before purchase.
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
Once you buy my hourlie I will need you to send me your exact requirements along with the necessary documents.
Reviews (38)
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