Design and code editable responsive MailChimp email template
Delivery in
1 day
(67 reviews)
(67 reviews)
Response time
within a few hours
Amount of days required to complete work for this Offer as set by the freelancer.
Rating of the Offer as calculated from other buyers' reviews.
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What you get with this Offer
I'll design and code an editable and reusable HTML email or newsletter so that you can use it with Mailchimp.
In addition I can install and setup the template in your mailchimp account as an editable template.
WIth Mailchimp, you can
✔ Edit text
✔ Swap images
✔ Change colours and links
✔ Add additional blocks of text and images
✔ and a lot more
You'll get:
✔ Unique and visually appealing design
✔ Responsive (mobile friendly) design
✔ Email design as tabular coded HTML file
✔ All my designs are custom made and no templates used.
✔ Editable regions so you can reuse the same template next time with different content.
✔ HTML email campaign setup on your emailing marketing tool of choice, or use ours.
✔ Unlimited revisions
✔ Compatible with all email marketing broadcasting providers like MailChimp and Campaign Monitor and more
This hourlie is for mailchimp, but if you need it created for a different email program like campaign monitor, icontact, dotmailer, send grid or any other program, I am happy to do that.
In addition I can install and setup the template in your mailchimp account as an editable template.
WIth Mailchimp, you can
✔ Edit text
✔ Swap images
✔ Change colours and links
✔ Add additional blocks of text and images
✔ and a lot more
You'll get:
✔ Unique and visually appealing design
✔ Responsive (mobile friendly) design
✔ Email design as tabular coded HTML file
✔ All my designs are custom made and no templates used.
✔ Editable regions so you can reuse the same template next time with different content.
✔ HTML email campaign setup on your emailing marketing tool of choice, or use ours.
✔ Unlimited revisions
✔ Compatible with all email marketing broadcasting providers like MailChimp and Campaign Monitor and more
This hourlie is for mailchimp, but if you need it created for a different email program like campaign monitor, icontact, dotmailer, send grid or any other program, I am happy to do that.
Get more with Offer Add-ons
I can design logo for your business
Additional 1 working day
+$61 -
I can provide you the design source *.ai file for the email
Additional 1 working day
+$24 -
I can provide you the text only version for the email
Additional 1 working day
+$24 -
I can setup your email on ConstantContact, Interspire or any other system
Additional 1 working day
+$37 -
I can deliver all work in 1 working day
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
1. Any images/designs you got
2. Content
3. Website URL if you got one.
4. Logo
5. Your account details with mailchimp, icontact or any other email service providers.
Reviews (67)
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