Create the best Youtube channel Art for your channel
Delivery in
2 days
(7 reviews)
(7 reviews)
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What you get with this Offer
Hi, are you looking for a COVER ART for your YOUTUBE CHANNEL?
This is the best place to get it. We are team of experienced designers. 100% satisfaction will be guaranteed.
YouTube has introduced a new header image called cover art instead of the old background image. So you can't use background images anymore. You can't use any image as your cover art. It should must be fulfilling some requirements. It should design to fit various devices like desktops, tablets and mobile phones.
I will design a professional looking cover art perfectly go with guidelines. It will perfectly fit for any devices. It will catch your channel viewer's eye always.
This is the best place to get it. We are team of experienced designers. 100% satisfaction will be guaranteed.
YouTube has introduced a new header image called cover art instead of the old background image. So you can't use background images anymore. You can't use any image as your cover art. It should must be fulfilling some requirements. It should design to fit various devices like desktops, tablets and mobile phones.
I will design a professional looking cover art perfectly go with guidelines. It will perfectly fit for any devices. It will catch your channel viewer's eye always.
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
Contact us anytime for any question.
After ordering me, please read and follow my instructions.
So, why are you wasting time to find some others. There is no other place to get this done for $12. It's here,
Reviews (7)
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