Take ARWA WrapStrap Template and turn it into a series of prepared JSP files
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- Proposals: 4
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- #581268
- Completed
Experience Level: Intermediate
Estimated project duration: 1 - 2 weeks
General information for the website: Carve up a supplied HTML template suitable for starting a JSP project from the resulting files.
Description of requirements/features: Start with a typical BootStrap style template that we have obtained from the WrapStrap template store and then chop it into includes as follows:
Inside each .jsp file (formally the supplied .html file) create includes for each of the "common" file content carved out like so:
@ include file="../../common/openmind/head-style-links.jsp"
Please note - [templatename] IS the actual name of the template (as supplied by us) so if we were working with a template called radiohead then the links would look like so:
Each template is unique and needs to be analyzed and then chopped accordingly and attention must be paid to "differences" between the template pages. In other words if, for example, the style sheets on the blog page are different from the style sheets on the home page this needs to be accounted for.
(Please document any such differences as html comments in the secondary include files)
Also note that the resultant chunks (jsp page/fragments) MUST be balanced. I do not want an editing nightmare by having to go looking for unbalanced tags/divs/sections etc. This is CRUCIAL.
Note: Some templates use one all-encompasing stylesheet and others use a per page model.
The JOB here is to
A) Figure out the optimal way of divvying things up.
B) Divvy up and create the common files
C) Edit ALL the template pages to have suitable @includes (removing the content moved to the common files)
D) Set the layout of the pages to be IN a pages/[templatename]/ folder (no need for an index.jsp page in the root)
E) Move ALL resources (css, fonts, img, js files) into their own resource/[templatename]/ folder
F) Edit the sample pages provided so they properly link to the resources
Please note I want the resources in TWO places - as above as standard files so I can debug HOWEVER I want all the REFERENCES to any given resource (css, fonts, images files, js files, css etc) to be precisely prefaced as follows:
I can give you the actual reference for that value if you need it -- you should however simply be able to create that constant yourself with a blank value and all should work locally.
G) Supply a blank version of each page (content stripped) as well as leaving a sample version with the template (demo) content in (rename each page as [previousname]-blank.jsp so we have both the sample and a bank page to work with.
H) Do NOT worry about making the MENU "functional" (more than it is at present). E.g. do NOT spend time linking pages back into the menu for example as that will simply be reworked as soon as we get the results back. The Menu is one of the first things I rework so I'm not concerned that his be functional at all. Nice but not a requirement.
I) Confirming this all works in a typical TOMCAT (7) container (I've done many myself so I know it does -- this is just a check before I get the files back and spend time editing them).
J) Supplying the bundle of files as the finished JOB
Specific technologies required: JSP / Tomcat
Similar urls: http://www.activeaxon.com/html/arwa/update/
Extra notes:
Description of requirements/features: Start with a typical BootStrap style template that we have obtained from the WrapStrap template store and then chop it into includes as follows:
Inside each .jsp file (formally the supplied .html file) create includes for each of the "common" file content carved out like so:
@ include file="../../common/openmind/head-style-links.jsp"
Please note - [templatename] IS the actual name of the template (as supplied by us) so if we were working with a template called radiohead then the links would look like so:
Each template is unique and needs to be analyzed and then chopped accordingly and attention must be paid to "differences" between the template pages. In other words if, for example, the style sheets on the blog page are different from the style sheets on the home page this needs to be accounted for.
(Please document any such differences as html comments in the secondary include files)
Also note that the resultant chunks (jsp page/fragments) MUST be balanced. I do not want an editing nightmare by having to go looking for unbalanced tags/divs/sections etc. This is CRUCIAL.
Note: Some templates use one all-encompasing stylesheet and others use a per page model.
The JOB here is to
A) Figure out the optimal way of divvying things up.
B) Divvy up and create the common files
C) Edit ALL the template pages to have suitable @includes (removing the content moved to the common files)
D) Set the layout of the pages to be IN a pages/[templatename]/ folder (no need for an index.jsp page in the root)
E) Move ALL resources (css, fonts, img, js files) into their own resource/[templatename]/ folder
F) Edit the sample pages provided so they properly link to the resources
Please note I want the resources in TWO places - as above as standard files so I can debug HOWEVER I want all the REFERENCES to any given resource (css, fonts, images files, js files, css etc) to be precisely prefaced as follows:
I can give you the actual reference for that value if you need it -- you should however simply be able to create that constant yourself with a blank value and all should work locally.
G) Supply a blank version of each page (content stripped) as well as leaving a sample version with the template (demo) content in (rename each page as [previousname]-blank.jsp so we have both the sample and a bank page to work with.
H) Do NOT worry about making the MENU "functional" (more than it is at present). E.g. do NOT spend time linking pages back into the menu for example as that will simply be reworked as soon as we get the results back. The Menu is one of the first things I rework so I'm not concerned that his be functional at all. Nice but not a requirement.
I) Confirming this all works in a typical TOMCAT (7) container (I've done many myself so I know it does -- this is just a check before I get the files back and spend time editing them).
J) Supplying the bundle of files as the finished JOB
Specific technologies required: JSP / Tomcat
Similar urls: http://www.activeaxon.com/html/arwa/update/
Extra notes:

Gary H.
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