Product Managment System
£1.0k(approx. $1.2k)
- Posted:
- Proposals: 2
- Remote
- #3123
- Archived
Experience Level: Expert
Our company is called Packet Post UK Ltd. We are looking for a temporary system to aid us in the smooth transition of running our day to day business. We are looking for a product management system that will allow us to handle hundreds of products with ease. We are currently having a large detialed system built for us but it wont be ready untill December 2008 and we need something temporary to help us get by untill then. Please read the description guide below to get a feel of what we are after. The only "catch" as such is that we are desperate for this and will only accept bids from companies that can compelte the work in a 2 week timescale.
Our company buys items from either a UK Wholesaler or a Chinese Supplier and sells the items on eBay.
We need a web based system built which is going to manage the whole process from ordering from these suppliers through to listing the product on eBay through to reordering when low on stock.
Please check out the 2 links below. These are basic incomplete versions of what we need the temporary systems to be like:
The spreadsheets work out all the formulas etc and display the info. Not all of these columns need to be on all sheets as some are only necessary to the admin and not employees. I have shared some other Google Docs with you which show in 'Orange' the columns which need to be viewed by the employee.
The process of how we buy from Chinese Suppliers and UK Wholesalers is slightly different, hence the need for 2 systems, or eventually 2 systems built into 1. The temporary system will not need to control all of this for now.
Below I have outlined the 2 processes which are undertaken for the 2 different systems.
UK Wholesale Process:
We search a UK Wholesale Supplier such as www.delboyswholesale.co.uk
We order a product or number of products from that supplier
Order is delivered to our warehouse
Delivered products are arranged into correct position in warehouse
Products are listed on eBay
Products are sold and dispatched
When low on stock products are reordered
Chinese Process
1. Our company buys a product from eBay with the intention of getting it copied in China to resell on eBay ourselves
2. We decide what price we are willing to pay for multiples of the product to be produced in China (target price)
3. The product is delivered to our UK warehouse
4. The product is sent to our sourcing agent in China
5. Our sourcing agent receives the product
6. Our sourcing agent contacts factories and finds the lowest price to produce multiple copies of the product
7. Our sourcing agent lets us know what the lowest price to make multiple copies of the product is
8. If we are happy with the price and MOQ we request an invoice from our sourcing agent
9. We send the payment to our sourcing agent in China
10. The sourcing agent marks the order as payment received
11. Production begins
12. Production finishes
13. The finished products are sent from the Chinese factory to our sourcing agent
14. The products are sent from our Chinese sourcing agent to our UK warehouse
15. The product is received in our warehouse
16. The product is listed on eBay
17. When the product is low on stock we reorder more from our sourcing agent
18. The process begins again
If you see our current systems we need some sort of spreadsheet layout like shown, but now the spreadsheets should be split into sections with tabs at the top.
These sections will all look the same as the current spreadsheets and will have tabs at the top just like on 'Microsoft Excel' to switch between the views. The tabs should also indicate the quantity of items in the sections like this:
/ Products to Order (12) / Ordered - Due for Delivery (45) / Current Line Stock (345) /
There must be check boxes next to each item so we can select them and send them to the next section via a button when that process is complete. We must be able to select multiple products if necessary and there must also be an option to send to different sections. There must be one single button which sends them to the next section though and maybe a drop down list which enables us to put them in an alternative section.
UK Wholesale must have the following sections:
1. Products to Order (Button named 'Ordered - Due for Delivery' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Ordered - Due for Delivery')
2. Ordered - Due for Delivery (Button named 'Received' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed a box should appear which gives user the option to edit description and also to input 'Quantity Received' ('Quantity Received' will now show on the sections to follow instead of showing 'Quantity Ordered'). When the user clicks 'Done' it should put the product(s) into 'Received - List on eBay')
3. Received - List on eBay (Button named 'Listed on eBay' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Current Line Stock')
4. Current Line Stock (This will contain a list of all products that have previously been ordered and delivered - if we need to reorder an item there must be a button named 'Reorder' - when pressed it should ask us for 'Reorder Quantity' before placing a duplicate item into 'Products to Order'). When this item comes back into stock it must be placed into 'Current Line Stock' in place of the previous identical item. There must never be 2 identical items in 'Current Line Stock'). If an item in 'Current Line Stock' is currently on order, this must somehow be shown on the 'Current Line Stock' spreadsheet along with the quantity that is currently on order.
The items in the current UK Wholesale spreadsheet must be named 'Current Line Stock'
Chinese must have the following sections:
1. Potential Products (This section should only allow us to enter an eBay Item Number - When this item number is entered, the spreadsheet should automatically extract the eBay auction title and eBay gallery image from the auction - Type 130231980184 into an eBay search and you can see an example of a gallery image and an eBay auction title). We must be able to delete records from this spreadsheet via a button named 'Bought from eBay/Discarded'. We will not need to these products into any other sections)
2. Bought from eBay (Button named 'Received' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Received from eBay')
3. Received from eBay (Button named 'Sent to China' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Sent to China')
4. Sent to China (Button named 'Received in China' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Received in China')
5. Received in China (Button named 'In Production' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'In Production')
6. In Production (Button named 'Production Finished' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Production Finished - Awaiting Dispatch'')
7. Production Finished - Awaiting Dispatch (Button named 'Dispatched to UK' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Dispatched to UK')
8. Dispatched to UK (Button named 'Received' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed a box should appear which gives user the option to edit description and also to input 'Quantity Received' ('Quantity Received' will now show on the sections to follow instead of showing 'Quantity Ordered'). When the user clicks 'Done' it should put the product(s) into 'Received - List on eBay')
9. Received - List on eBay (Button named 'Listed on eBay' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Current Line Stock')
10. Current Line Stock (This will contain a list of all products that have previously been ordered and delivered - if we need to reorder an item there must be a button named 'Reorder' - when pressed it should ask us for 'Reorder Quantity' before placing a duplicate item into 'Products to Order'). When this item comes back into stock it must be placed into 'Current Line Stock' in place of the previous identical item. There must never be 2 identical items in 'Current Line Stock'). If an item in 'Current Line Stock' is currently on order, this must somehow be shown on the 'Current Line Stock' spreadsheet along with the quantity that is currently on order.
The items in the current Chinese spreadsheet must be named 'Current Line Stock'
Throughout both spreadsheets if an item from 'Current Line Stock' is reordered the product row should show as a different colour to if 'New Stock' is reordered. We must be able to tell if an item is 'New Stock' or 'Current Line Stock'
Other Parts
There are 2 other parts which will need to be on the temporary systems. These 2 parts should be joint to both systems.
Warehouse Location Section
Please see http://www.packetpostuk.com/edittemplate/warehouseShelvingPlan.php
Basically each product we enter into this sytem (from the point it is ordered) needs a warehouse location. We need to be able to add and remove these locations and easily be able to move warehouse locations around and even assign 2 locations to one product.
When a new product is entered into the system the default warehouse location must be the first available location in alphabetical order
Postage Calculator Section
Please see the other Google Doc I have shared called Postage Rates. Basically when we add a product into the system we need to state whether it is a 'Large Letter' or 'Packet' sized item. When we also enter the weight of the product the Royal Mail postage cost should automatically be entered from using the data on the excel spreadsheet.
When a NEW PRODUCT comes into stock a shelving label must be printed out. We will require an option whereby once an item has been added on eBay we are able to print out shelving labels. We want to have 2 labels per A4 sheet (landscape view). These are then laminated and atached to the crates in the warehouse. The label should show the product image and by the side of that, the custom label and eBay item title.
When entering a product into the system the profit should automatically be calculated and shown before you click 'Add Product' (This saves us having to work out the profit on a sepaarte sheet and then having to re-enter the details into the system
The eBay item title can only be 55 characters max. As we enter the eBay title into the system it should show how many characters we have left availabel to type in.
There should be one admin account. We should be able to create numerous user accounts though.
We should be able to edit the custom label.
The warehouse location must also be added to the front of the custom label like this: (R2-B1-S1-P2)CN-JH-AVIATOR-MIRROR
The HTML generator on the system must use the HTML template from our Frooition account - Please log in at https://secure.frooition.com/index.php (packetpost / reedsfarm1) Like the current HTML generator we must be able to add up to 6 remotely stored images to each template and each image must have a watermark over them (preferably our company logo lightly embossed into it). None of the auction must be copyable by a viewer and viewers must not be able to right click and view image properties (so that they cant see our custom label).
We also have another webpage which enables us to quickly update the remotely stored returns and payment policies seen on the bottom of the auction page.
View http://www.packetpostuk.com/edittemplate We will also need this copied and edited so that it matches up with the new template. Note that this script also allows us to edit the images and custom footers on the auction page and enables us to also input images if necessary.
Our company buys items from either a UK Wholesaler or a Chinese Supplier and sells the items on eBay.
We need a web based system built which is going to manage the whole process from ordering from these suppliers through to listing the product on eBay through to reordering when low on stock.
Please check out the 2 links below. These are basic incomplete versions of what we need the temporary systems to be like:
The spreadsheets work out all the formulas etc and display the info. Not all of these columns need to be on all sheets as some are only necessary to the admin and not employees. I have shared some other Google Docs with you which show in 'Orange' the columns which need to be viewed by the employee.
The process of how we buy from Chinese Suppliers and UK Wholesalers is slightly different, hence the need for 2 systems, or eventually 2 systems built into 1. The temporary system will not need to control all of this for now.
Below I have outlined the 2 processes which are undertaken for the 2 different systems.
UK Wholesale Process:
We search a UK Wholesale Supplier such as www.delboyswholesale.co.uk
We order a product or number of products from that supplier
Order is delivered to our warehouse
Delivered products are arranged into correct position in warehouse
Products are listed on eBay
Products are sold and dispatched
When low on stock products are reordered
Chinese Process
1. Our company buys a product from eBay with the intention of getting it copied in China to resell on eBay ourselves
2. We decide what price we are willing to pay for multiples of the product to be produced in China (target price)
3. The product is delivered to our UK warehouse
4. The product is sent to our sourcing agent in China
5. Our sourcing agent receives the product
6. Our sourcing agent contacts factories and finds the lowest price to produce multiple copies of the product
7. Our sourcing agent lets us know what the lowest price to make multiple copies of the product is
8. If we are happy with the price and MOQ we request an invoice from our sourcing agent
9. We send the payment to our sourcing agent in China
10. The sourcing agent marks the order as payment received
11. Production begins
12. Production finishes
13. The finished products are sent from the Chinese factory to our sourcing agent
14. The products are sent from our Chinese sourcing agent to our UK warehouse
15. The product is received in our warehouse
16. The product is listed on eBay
17. When the product is low on stock we reorder more from our sourcing agent
18. The process begins again
If you see our current systems we need some sort of spreadsheet layout like shown, but now the spreadsheets should be split into sections with tabs at the top.
These sections will all look the same as the current spreadsheets and will have tabs at the top just like on 'Microsoft Excel' to switch between the views. The tabs should also indicate the quantity of items in the sections like this:
/ Products to Order (12) / Ordered - Due for Delivery (45) / Current Line Stock (345) /
There must be check boxes next to each item so we can select them and send them to the next section via a button when that process is complete. We must be able to select multiple products if necessary and there must also be an option to send to different sections. There must be one single button which sends them to the next section though and maybe a drop down list which enables us to put them in an alternative section.
UK Wholesale must have the following sections:
1. Products to Order (Button named 'Ordered - Due for Delivery' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Ordered - Due for Delivery')
2. Ordered - Due for Delivery (Button named 'Received' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed a box should appear which gives user the option to edit description and also to input 'Quantity Received' ('Quantity Received' will now show on the sections to follow instead of showing 'Quantity Ordered'). When the user clicks 'Done' it should put the product(s) into 'Received - List on eBay')
3. Received - List on eBay (Button named 'Listed on eBay' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Current Line Stock')
4. Current Line Stock (This will contain a list of all products that have previously been ordered and delivered - if we need to reorder an item there must be a button named 'Reorder' - when pressed it should ask us for 'Reorder Quantity' before placing a duplicate item into 'Products to Order'). When this item comes back into stock it must be placed into 'Current Line Stock' in place of the previous identical item. There must never be 2 identical items in 'Current Line Stock'). If an item in 'Current Line Stock' is currently on order, this must somehow be shown on the 'Current Line Stock' spreadsheet along with the quantity that is currently on order.
The items in the current UK Wholesale spreadsheet must be named 'Current Line Stock'
Chinese must have the following sections:
1. Potential Products (This section should only allow us to enter an eBay Item Number - When this item number is entered, the spreadsheet should automatically extract the eBay auction title and eBay gallery image from the auction - Type 130231980184 into an eBay search and you can see an example of a gallery image and an eBay auction title). We must be able to delete records from this spreadsheet via a button named 'Bought from eBay/Discarded'. We will not need to these products into any other sections)
2. Bought from eBay (Button named 'Received' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Received from eBay')
3. Received from eBay (Button named 'Sent to China' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Sent to China')
4. Sent to China (Button named 'Received in China' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Received in China')
5. Received in China (Button named 'In Production' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'In Production')
6. In Production (Button named 'Production Finished' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Production Finished - Awaiting Dispatch'')
7. Production Finished - Awaiting Dispatch (Button named 'Dispatched to UK' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Dispatched to UK')
8. Dispatched to UK (Button named 'Received' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed a box should appear which gives user the option to edit description and also to input 'Quantity Received' ('Quantity Received' will now show on the sections to follow instead of showing 'Quantity Ordered'). When the user clicks 'Done' it should put the product(s) into 'Received - List on eBay')
9. Received - List on eBay (Button named 'Listed on eBay' must be on spreadsheet - when pressed puts product(s) into 'Current Line Stock')
10. Current Line Stock (This will contain a list of all products that have previously been ordered and delivered - if we need to reorder an item there must be a button named 'Reorder' - when pressed it should ask us for 'Reorder Quantity' before placing a duplicate item into 'Products to Order'). When this item comes back into stock it must be placed into 'Current Line Stock' in place of the previous identical item. There must never be 2 identical items in 'Current Line Stock'). If an item in 'Current Line Stock' is currently on order, this must somehow be shown on the 'Current Line Stock' spreadsheet along with the quantity that is currently on order.
The items in the current Chinese spreadsheet must be named 'Current Line Stock'
Throughout both spreadsheets if an item from 'Current Line Stock' is reordered the product row should show as a different colour to if 'New Stock' is reordered. We must be able to tell if an item is 'New Stock' or 'Current Line Stock'
Other Parts
There are 2 other parts which will need to be on the temporary systems. These 2 parts should be joint to both systems.
Warehouse Location Section
Please see http://www.packetpostuk.com/edittemplate/warehouseShelvingPlan.php
Basically each product we enter into this sytem (from the point it is ordered) needs a warehouse location. We need to be able to add and remove these locations and easily be able to move warehouse locations around and even assign 2 locations to one product.
When a new product is entered into the system the default warehouse location must be the first available location in alphabetical order
Postage Calculator Section
Please see the other Google Doc I have shared called Postage Rates. Basically when we add a product into the system we need to state whether it is a 'Large Letter' or 'Packet' sized item. When we also enter the weight of the product the Royal Mail postage cost should automatically be entered from using the data on the excel spreadsheet.
When a NEW PRODUCT comes into stock a shelving label must be printed out. We will require an option whereby once an item has been added on eBay we are able to print out shelving labels. We want to have 2 labels per A4 sheet (landscape view). These are then laminated and atached to the crates in the warehouse. The label should show the product image and by the side of that, the custom label and eBay item title.
When entering a product into the system the profit should automatically be calculated and shown before you click 'Add Product' (This saves us having to work out the profit on a sepaarte sheet and then having to re-enter the details into the system
The eBay item title can only be 55 characters max. As we enter the eBay title into the system it should show how many characters we have left availabel to type in.
There should be one admin account. We should be able to create numerous user accounts though.
We should be able to edit the custom label.
The warehouse location must also be added to the front of the custom label like this: (R2-B1-S1-P2)CN-JH-AVIATOR-MIRROR
The HTML generator on the system must use the HTML template from our Frooition account - Please log in at https://secure.frooition.com/index.php (packetpost / reedsfarm1) Like the current HTML generator we must be able to add up to 6 remotely stored images to each template and each image must have a watermark over them (preferably our company logo lightly embossed into it). None of the auction must be copyable by a viewer and viewers must not be able to right click and view image properties (so that they cant see our custom label).
We also have another webpage which enables us to quickly update the remotely stored returns and payment policies seen on the bottom of the auction page.
View http://www.packetpostuk.com/edittemplate We will also need this copied and edited so that it matches up with the new template. Note that this script also allows us to edit the images and custom footers on the auction page and enables us to also input images if necessary.

Daviid W.
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