Design High Quality Wireframes and Prototype
Delivery in
2 days
(8 reviews)
(8 reviews)
Amount of days required to complete work for this Offer as set by the freelancer.
Rating of the Offer as calculated from other buyers' reviews.
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What you get with this Offer
★★★★★ Served by 5 CERT LEVEL with 100% Reviews ★★★★★
★★★★★ 100% Job Satisfaction Guaranteed ★★★★★
✔ UNLIMITED Revisions
✔ Quality Service
✔ Unique & Professional Wireframe
Wireframes are the most important part for developing your mobile application. By wireframes you can understand your targeted user's experience and even if you have wireframes ready for your application before development then you can make sure your developers won't miss any feature or it can helps you or your developers to understand app flow too.
With this Hourly you will get,
✔ High Quality Wireframe of One Screen
✔ Detailed Description of each screen
✔ Interactive Prototype in Flinto if you choose Add-on
✔ Layered Source files in Sketch 3 or PSD of design so you can have changes in same UI later on too.
✔ PDF, JPGs and PNGs of User Experience
✔ Flinto Prototype if you choose Add-on
✔ Great value for your money
Message me to discuss your Mobile App Design requirement and to help with purchase this Hourlie. And you can also check my other Hourlies for your Specific Requirement.
Please note this Hourlie includes 1 screen per Hourlie but your can extend it as per your requirement.
★★★★★ 100% Job Satisfaction Guaranteed ★★★★★
✔ UNLIMITED Revisions
✔ Quality Service
✔ Unique & Professional Wireframe
Wireframes are the most important part for developing your mobile application. By wireframes you can understand your targeted user's experience and even if you have wireframes ready for your application before development then you can make sure your developers won't miss any feature or it can helps you or your developers to understand app flow too.
With this Hourly you will get,
✔ High Quality Wireframe of One Screen
✔ Detailed Description of each screen
✔ Interactive Prototype in Flinto if you choose Add-on
✔ Layered Source files in Sketch 3 or PSD of design so you can have changes in same UI later on too.
✔ PDF, JPGs and PNGs of User Experience
✔ Flinto Prototype if you choose Add-on
✔ Great value for your money
Message me to discuss your Mobile App Design requirement and to help with purchase this Hourlie. And you can also check my other Hourlies for your Specific Requirement.
Please note this Hourlie includes 1 screen per Hourlie but your can extend it as per your requirement.
Get more with Offer Add-ons
I can create 1 Interactive / Animated Prototype for Presentation
Additional 1 working day
+$10 -
I can deliver all work in 1 working day
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
I will required below things from your side to make your app's user experience awesome,
✔ Your ideas about application
✔ What do you think how your app should look like
✔ What is the purpose of your app
✔ Any material you have about your app which you feel helpful for me like project requirement document
Reviews (8)
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