I need a Graphic Designer / Calligrapher / Talented Drawer
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€50(approx. $52)
- Posted:
- Proposals: 7
- Remote
- #1763472
- Awarded
Graphic Design, Creative Design, logo animation, Brand Identity Development, 3D Modeling, Web Design, Brochure Design, Image Editing,

Graphic Designing, Logo Design, MS World, MS Excel, Typing, PDF Conversion, PDF Editing

Experience Level: Intermediate
Information for the business: Wine
Industry: Food and Beverage
Ideas for the visual style: Calligraphic Design
Extra notes: German below.
Hello everybody,
I would need a Graphic Designer / Calligrapher / Talented Drawer… a Person for following issue:
I need a digitalized Logo - I need the Word “Vinonorica” written in a calligraphic way and on the end of the “V-Start” I need a bunch of grapes and one colored grape (green and red)
The writing should be in gold, placed on black background. One grape of the bunch should be colored. Version 1: green colored. Version 2: red colored. I hope it was not too confusing - Attached you can find a sketch made by me – please keep your suggestions very close to my design. (Connected letters are preferred)
(offers for additional designs are welcome – yet not part of the request and can be discussed/negotiated in a separate way)
Required are:
Logo in Vector Graphic
Logo in different Resolutions – for different Uses
Verctor Graphic from the Logo – transparent/only outlined
PS: Please do not offer me any alternatives – which are completely out of the context – just because you have them on stock… Please do not offer me any sets/packages - further collaboration could be discussed – see below.
PPS: If the quality is fine – you will be the first person contacted and preferred to keep on working on this project.
Many thanks. I’m looking forward to receive your offers.
ich suche einen Grafikdesigner / Kalligrafer / Talentierten Zeichner für folgenden Auftrag:
Ich benötige ein digitalisiertes Logo – der Schriftzug „Vinonorica“ soll in kalligrafierter (ziervoller) Schriftweise dargestellt werden. Am Beginn der V soll eine Weintraube hängen, von welcher in einer Version eine Beere rot und in der anderen Version eine Beere grün sein soll.
Die Schrift soll Gold auf schwarzem Hintergrund sein. (Weiter Designvorschläge sind willkommen, werden aber im Falle nur extra diskutiert und sind nicht Teil dieser Anfrage.) Design Sketches von mir sind im Anhang – bitte sehr ähnlich ausarbeiten – meine Designvorstellungen gestalten sich schon sehr genau.
Bitte folgendes Anbieten:
Logo in Vektorgrafik
Logo in verschiedenen Auflösungen
Transparente Vektorgrafik (Schrift schwarz umrandet)
Vielen Dank. Ich freue mich auf eure Angebote
Industry: Food and Beverage
Ideas for the visual style: Calligraphic Design
Extra notes: German below.
Hello everybody,
I would need a Graphic Designer / Calligrapher / Talented Drawer… a Person for following issue:
I need a digitalized Logo - I need the Word “Vinonorica” written in a calligraphic way and on the end of the “V-Start” I need a bunch of grapes and one colored grape (green and red)
The writing should be in gold, placed on black background. One grape of the bunch should be colored. Version 1: green colored. Version 2: red colored. I hope it was not too confusing - Attached you can find a sketch made by me – please keep your suggestions very close to my design. (Connected letters are preferred)
(offers for additional designs are welcome – yet not part of the request and can be discussed/negotiated in a separate way)
Required are:
Logo in Vector Graphic
Logo in different Resolutions – for different Uses
Verctor Graphic from the Logo – transparent/only outlined
PS: Please do not offer me any alternatives – which are completely out of the context – just because you have them on stock… Please do not offer me any sets/packages - further collaboration could be discussed – see below.
PPS: If the quality is fine – you will be the first person contacted and preferred to keep on working on this project.
Many thanks. I’m looking forward to receive your offers.
ich suche einen Grafikdesigner / Kalligrafer / Talentierten Zeichner für folgenden Auftrag:
Ich benötige ein digitalisiertes Logo – der Schriftzug „Vinonorica“ soll in kalligrafierter (ziervoller) Schriftweise dargestellt werden. Am Beginn der V soll eine Weintraube hängen, von welcher in einer Version eine Beere rot und in der anderen Version eine Beere grün sein soll.
Die Schrift soll Gold auf schwarzem Hintergrund sein. (Weiter Designvorschläge sind willkommen, werden aber im Falle nur extra diskutiert und sind nicht Teil dieser Anfrage.) Design Sketches von mir sind im Anhang – bitte sehr ähnlich ausarbeiten – meine Designvorstellungen gestalten sich schon sehr genau.
Bitte folgendes Anbieten:
Logo in Vektorgrafik
Logo in verschiedenen Auflösungen
Transparente Vektorgrafik (Schrift schwarz umrandet)
Vielen Dank. Ich freue mich auf eure Angebote

David S.
95% (4)Projects Completed
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8 Nov 2017
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