Send 10K traffic 10s hits to your site from real visitors
(252 reviews)
What you get with this Offer
10,000 real hits to your website, business page or profile! Visitors will check out your site for a minimum of 15 seconds! So good eye catching sites or good offers are sure to get noticed and viewers might engage. Each visit will last 15 seconds long. However you can set a longer retention time e.g 20s or 40s (this may affect number of hits we deliver). We aim to deliver the full amount within the 5 day. For other plans please ask.
Why use this hourly?
Boost your web & and stats. As we provide drip feed at an hourly rate you can use our service to build up traffic to your website gradually so it looks natural. Then you can increase the rate to build up the hits to your site.
You can specify the traffic source.
We use a proven working method of driving traffic that has been proved effective for over two years now, so we are a reliable service.
We also are UK based Level 5+ seller on PPH and have already sold 80+ orders for this hourly successfully.
Non-Bot generated real traffic that will count.
You can use your websites/hosts stats like AwStats. Or third party tools like StatsCounter or Google Anaylytics.
Please note that we count each and every hit sent, regardless of whether it is from any country, repeat visitors, users using proxy servers or device type. All this means is that our stats will differ from third party stats. We can only work off our own stats, so please accept this before purchase.
One URL per order
You can specify ONE traffic source from LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Twitter or Pinterest. For other sources please ask.
Will not accept Youtube pages, or any indecent content.
For detailed tracking stats buy the Extra.
We can provide a screenshot to show all hits have been delivered.
We cannot guarantee this is compatible with ad networks such as Adsense, however we have not had a problem in the past. You can also disable ads while our service is running.
For GEO targetting extra all major countries like USA, UK, Canada are fine for any others please message me first.
Get more with Offer Add-ons
I can add ONE more traffic source per URL specified
Requires no additional time
+$5 -
I can split the order to give 10K hits each to 2 URLS total
Requires no additional time
+$3 -
I can add 10K more views with 10 second retention
Additional 5 working days
+$26 -
I can give you a better bounce rate of minimum 60%
Additional 1 working day
+$11 -
I can gEO target traffic from max 3 countries of your choice
Additional 1 working day
+$13 -
I can send traffic from majority mobile devices and tablets
Additional 1 working day
+$7 -
I can provide detailed stats tracking link
Requires no additional time
What the Freelancer needs to start the work
Your website address.
Do you want a specific traffic source e.g Google, Twitter, Facebook...
Do you want anonymous traffic only? (i.e. source of traffic will not be shown)
Default drip rate is 2000 views per day, however if you want a custom spread (for example over 10 days) let me give you a custom order first.