" jmock " implementing string evaluating object
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General information for the website: " jmock " implementing string evaluating object
Description of requirements/features: a string evaluating object.
class StringEval
double eval(String str)
//you implimentation here
here the string could be "3+4", "3*4", 4*(5+5)", "5-6+3*(4+1)" etc ....
they are all real numbers, you return should be 7 for "3+4", 12 for "3*4" etc...
it should throw exception when the input string is not evlauatable, for example, it will throw exception for "3*", "(3+4", "a+3" because they are all not evaluatable.
b. a jmock class to test this StringEval object
c. your eval support and variable, for example
user input "a=10", "b=a * 10", "c =a + b", "a=a+b", "a +1" sequentially, you should return
10, 100, 110, 110, 111,
you maintaining variables for each evulation result if there is assign "="
in this way you can test some more advanced jmock functions.
Extra notes:
Description of requirements/features: a string evaluating object.
class StringEval
double eval(String str)
//you implimentation here
here the string could be "3+4", "3*4", 4*(5+5)", "5-6+3*(4+1)" etc ....
they are all real numbers, you return should be 7 for "3+4", 12 for "3*4" etc...
it should throw exception when the input string is not evlauatable, for example, it will throw exception for "3*", "(3+4", "a+3" because they are all not evaluatable.
b. a jmock class to test this StringEval object
c. your eval support and variable, for example
user input "a=10", "b=a * 10", "c =a + b", "a=a+b", "a +1" sequentially, you should return
10, 100, 110, 110, 111,
you maintaining variables for each evulation result if there is assign "="
in this way you can test some more advanced jmock functions.
Extra notes:

Sai Kiran M.
100% (2)Projects Completed
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10 Dec 2015
United States
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