I need a skin done for AspDotNetStoreFront
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- Remote
- #587371
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Experience Level: Expert
Estimated project duration: 1 - 2 weeks
I would like a skin for AspDotNetStoreFront 9.2 on Asp.net 2.0 (or 4.0 with web.config rewrite). This job is easy in that is it very specific. I know exactly what I want. You will not have to provide any art. I have the Joomla! template and files for the site design I would like this modeled after - if you would like them.
I would like it modeled after : http://cmsmart.net/demo/index.php/responsive-joomla-virtuemart-template-stylemart.html
The most important things I would like are the content carousel with the preview, the fly down with images and text, the hover over button change and if possible the product page and category page changes as well.
The site is currently in ASP.net 2.0 and running AspDotNetStoreFront 9.4.1. I would like the site skin to run in ASP.net 4.0, which will require a web.config update and rewrite. I can provide the current web.config file for integration and/or rewrite.
There are several things I would like in the skin, some features are negotiable, some are not.
Home Page img1,img2,img3
Content Carousel. I would like a content carousel with left and right arrows that only appear on mouse hover. I would also like the carousel to have a preview for the slides just underneath. I do not want the preview of the slides to be the same image as the slides themselves, like in the image. I would like to be able to put my own images of the slide preview there. I also want html link buttons on each slide so I can link to the right page. See img1. I do not care what transitions you choose to use, as long as it is clean.
Category Fly Downs. I would like fly downs of each of the categories. I will provided the links to each of the categories and the breakdown of each of them. Each fly down should have an accompanying image and content module that has a title and text. Note that the fly down also has flu outs within it. See img2
Collections. See img3. In the img3 it is called Collections – I would like to rename it Skates. When the mouse hovers over the images it fades out and a title, text and link appear. I would like to be able to change the text, image color and links.
Best Sellers. See img3. The title can stay the same. I would like to be able to pick which items are ‘best sellers’ and it would be nice if the sale flag auto applied. If this cannot be done and needs to be photoshopped in, I under stand. I would also like the Sale Price, Retail Price, Discount and savings box to appear on all sales items. We have something similar right now, but not formatted as nicely. Also not the left and right scroll page bar.
Category/Department Pages
There is some work with the product pages. Will proved further details.
Product Pages
There is some work with the product pages. Will proved further details.
Font, Art, Colors
I am very flexible on the front and color. You just have to let me know what font you are using and what colors you used so I can keep everything uniform. You will not have to do any art outside of icons. We will provide the art if you can provide the sizes you need.
Files Needed
The files must be delivered in two folders to here or the server - App_Themes and App_Templates , as needed for aspdotnetstorefront with a skin ID number of "Skinid_8". This should be a simple 'drag' and 'drop' process for myself. XML for the category and product pages can be delivered here or via the server as well.
If you have any questions let me know. If there are things on here that you can not do -that's OK, let me know and we can find alternatives. You MUST have aspdotnetstorefront experience. Note that AspdotnetStorefront uses ASP.net but is *NOT* Asp.net.
I would like it modeled after : http://cmsmart.net/demo/index.php/responsive-joomla-virtuemart-template-stylemart.html
The most important things I would like are the content carousel with the preview, the fly down with images and text, the hover over button change and if possible the product page and category page changes as well.
The site is currently in ASP.net 2.0 and running AspDotNetStoreFront 9.4.1. I would like the site skin to run in ASP.net 4.0, which will require a web.config update and rewrite. I can provide the current web.config file for integration and/or rewrite.
There are several things I would like in the skin, some features are negotiable, some are not.
Home Page img1,img2,img3
Content Carousel. I would like a content carousel with left and right arrows that only appear on mouse hover. I would also like the carousel to have a preview for the slides just underneath. I do not want the preview of the slides to be the same image as the slides themselves, like in the image. I would like to be able to put my own images of the slide preview there. I also want html link buttons on each slide so I can link to the right page. See img1. I do not care what transitions you choose to use, as long as it is clean.
Category Fly Downs. I would like fly downs of each of the categories. I will provided the links to each of the categories and the breakdown of each of them. Each fly down should have an accompanying image and content module that has a title and text. Note that the fly down also has flu outs within it. See img2
Collections. See img3. In the img3 it is called Collections – I would like to rename it Skates. When the mouse hovers over the images it fades out and a title, text and link appear. I would like to be able to change the text, image color and links.
Best Sellers. See img3. The title can stay the same. I would like to be able to pick which items are ‘best sellers’ and it would be nice if the sale flag auto applied. If this cannot be done and needs to be photoshopped in, I under stand. I would also like the Sale Price, Retail Price, Discount and savings box to appear on all sales items. We have something similar right now, but not formatted as nicely. Also not the left and right scroll page bar.
Category/Department Pages
There is some work with the product pages. Will proved further details.
Product Pages
There is some work with the product pages. Will proved further details.
Font, Art, Colors
I am very flexible on the front and color. You just have to let me know what font you are using and what colors you used so I can keep everything uniform. You will not have to do any art outside of icons. We will provide the art if you can provide the sizes you need.
Files Needed
The files must be delivered in two folders to here or the server - App_Themes and App_Templates , as needed for aspdotnetstorefront with a skin ID number of "Skinid_8". This should be a simple 'drag' and 'drop' process for myself. XML for the category and product pages can be delivered here or via the server as well.
If you have any questions let me know. If there are things on here that you can not do -that's OK, let me know and we can find alternatives. You MUST have aspdotnetstorefront experience. Note that AspdotnetStorefront uses ASP.net but is *NOT* Asp.net.

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30 Nov 2014
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