I need recipes compiled into a beautiful cookbook
- Posted:
- Proposals: 11
- Remote
- #2850159
- Archived
Adobe InDesign | Adobe illustrator| Adobe Photoshop | Editorial Design | book | Brouchure | Print book | E book | magazine | PDF | PDF Editing
Web Developer - PHP, Laravel, VueJs, and Graphics Design - InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, Figma

translation, cooking menu developer, chemistry teacher, pastry and bakery teacher

Experience Level: Entry
I have recipes I would like to be compiled into a healthy cook book. The overal theme of the book must be a fresh tooth fruity Look that will make a consumer feel they need to eat fresh and fruity. All recipes are on hand and must just be categorized in 5 sections namely breakfast lunch supper desserts and smoothies . It should have a index that shows the recipe section with its contents and at the back a standard calorie counter. I have compiled all content already it must just be beautifully designed into cook book format. Attached is some themes I like. The overall feel must create a hunger feeling with in consumers. Something modern and minimulistic

Louii E.
100% (1)Projects Completed
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7 Apr 2020
South Africa
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